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Adventure Hunt Release Waiver

Release Waiver

Adventure Hunt Events LLC Assumption of Risk and Warning of Risk Waiver and Release of Claims ("Assumption & Release") on behalf of Adventure Hunt Events LLC, its officers, employees, agents, affiliates, sponsors, partners, event hosts, and any other associated entities or individuals (collectively, the “Released Parties”).

*Adventure Hunt is a trademark of Adventure Hunt Events LLC

  • By creating an Adventure Hunt account, registering for and/or participating in Adventure Hunt in any way, you acknowledge that you have fully read, understood, covenant and agree to this full Release Waiver. 
  • By registering for and/or participating in Adventure Hunt, you and your teammate(s), friends, those you're participating and/or traveling with, etc. (hereafter 'teammate(s)') hold harmless the Released Parties and their respective corporate parents, subsidiaries, related and affiliated entities, successors, directors, officers, shareholders, agents, employees, partners, and sponsors. Meaning, you agree to not sue or make any legal claims against the Released Parties or any of their respective corporate parents, subsidiaries, related and affiliated entities, successors, directors, officers, shareholders, agents, employees, partners or sponsors (collectively "Released Parties" or "Releasees") for any expenses, damages, injuries, or losses from participating in Adventure Hunt. You also acknowledge and agree to follow all of the Adventure Hunt Rules.
  • You must be 18 years or older to participate or have parental/guardian consent signed and emailed to
  • You agree to: Be smart. Be safe. Be courteous. 
  • You agree to: Use caution and discretion and obey all local laws at all times.
  • You understand and agree that no refunds will be given for any reason, including, but not limited to: weather, travel delays, acts of God, natural disasters, etc. You also understand and agree that events and itineraries are subject to change and no refunds will be given.
  • You understand and agree that: By registering for and/or participating in Adventure Hunt, you and your teammate(s) assume all liability and responsibility for your actions and safety. The Released Parties assume no liability or responsibility for your actions nor safety, nor the actions and safety of your teammates, nor anyone affected by your or your teammates actions.

In consideration of being allowed to participate in any way in Adventure Hunt™ related events and/or activities (the “Event”), by registering for and/or participating in Adventure Hunt, I acknowledge, covenant and agree that:

  1. I acknowledge, covenant, and agree that the risk of injury, illness—including that of COVID-19 and any others, disability, and/or death from the activities involved in the Event is significant, including but not limited to the following: (i) sprains; (ii) strains; (iii) fractures; (iv) burns, cuts, and tears; (v) bruises; (vi) heat and cold injuries; (vii) various water-related injuries, including but not limited to drowning; (viii) over-use syndrome; (ix) accidents and/or injuries involving vehicles; (x) animal and/or insect bites and/or stings; (xi) contact with poisonous plants; (xii) accidents and/or injury involving, but not limited to falling, slipping, sliding, running, and travel by various forms of transportation, including but not limited to boats, trucks, cars, bicycles, and other vehicles; (xiii) heart attack; (xiv) potential for permanent paralysis and/or death; (xv) illness; (xvi) risks created by other Event participants; (xvii) I understand that the Event activities may be dangerous and could cause bodily harm, illness, injury, or death to myself and/or others, and that I am not required to participate, but am choosing to do so of my own free will; (xviii) risks due to defects or conditions of or at the Event.
  2. AFTER OPPORTUNITY TO FULLY INFORM MYSELF ABOUT THE EVENT, I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME AND ACCEPT ALL SUCH RISKS, BOTH KNOWN AND UNKNOWN, and assume full responsibility and all risks of all nature for my participation in the Event;
  3. I agree to abide by any decision of an Event official relative to my ability to safely complete the Event, which decision is at the sole discretion of the Event official and I agree lack of a decision does not create any liability or waiver thereof whatsoever.
  4. I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and/or next of kin, forever WAIVE, RELEASE, DISCHARGE and COVENANT TO NOT SUE the Released Parties, and their officers, directors, members, managers, representatives, officials, principals, owners, licensees, franchisees, agents, affiliates and/or employees, subsidiaries and/or assigns, as well as their independent contractors, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers, volunteers and if applicable, owners and lessors of the premises used to conduct the Event (collectively “Releasees”), WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INJURY, DISABILITY, ILLNESS, INCAPACITY, DAMAGES, EXPENSES, DEATH, and/or loss or damage to person or property incurred by me in connection with participation in the Event. I further agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Releasees from any loss, liability, cost, claim or damages arising from my participation in or association with the Event.
  5. I attest and verify that I am over 18 years of age, am free from all illnesses, injuries and defects that could interfere with my safe participation in the Event and that I am physically fit and sufficiently trained to participate in all activities associated with the Event. My participation in the Event is entirely voluntary. I further certify and represent that on the date of the Event I will possess and be covered by medical/health insurance, individually or as part of an organization. I understand and agree that children under the age of 18 are not permitted to participate or accompany me in the Event unless a parent or guardian signs a waiver on their behalf and if no signature is obtained I assume full and complete liability and this Agreement extends to such minor’s participation.
  6. I consent to administration of first aid and other medical treatment and transportation in the event of any injury or illness and hereby release and indemnify Releasees from any and all liability or claims arising out of such treatment. This release extends to any liability arising out of, or in any way connected with the medical treatment and/or transportation.
  7. I understand Adventure Hunt is an event subject to multiple safety considerations and acts of God, which may cause cancellation with limited notice.  Wind, rain, dry weather, and heat may cause delay, rescheduling, or cancellation. I understand under no circumstances am I entitled to a refund from Adventure Hunt for delay, rescheduling, or cancellation.  Any insurance purchased is provided through a third party provider and Adventure Hunt is not liable for such purchase.
  8. I acknowledge and verify that I may be dismissed from participation, without refund, if I endanger the safety or negatively affect the Event, a person, a facility or property of any type or kind.
  9. I understand that if I win a cash prize of $600 or more, I will be required to complete an IRS Form W-9 in order to claim the prize. I acknowledge that failure to provide this form may result in the forfeiture of the prize.
  10. I hereby irrevocably, absolutely and in perpetuity, grant unlimited permission to the Releasees to film, videotape and record gratis the performance of the above named participant in the Event and subsequently to telecast, sell, distribute and otherwise utilize the same in whatever manner Releasees deem appropriate. Such permission includes without limitation granting the unlimited and irrevocable right to Releasees, without compensation of any kind to me, to own, use, publish, copyright, reproduce, sell, distribute, or broadcast my name, nickname, image, likeness, voice, photograph, signature facsimile, or any other depiction of any kind of me or my likeness (collectively the “Images”), in connection with or due to my participation in the Event, in any electronic or print format or media or format whatsoever, whether such format is now known or later developed. I acknowledge and agree that Releasees and their representatives will have this unlimited right throughout the world but are under no obligation to utilize such Images or to give credit or attribution to me.
  11. In consideration and in return for being allowed to participate in the Event, I release and agree not to sue the Releasees from all present and future claims regarding my participation in the Events that may be made by me, my family, estate, heirs or assigns.
  12. I have read, understand and agree to obey all Event Rules and understand and agree that by breaking any of the Rules I may be disqualified from the Event and/or put myself and/or others at risk of accident, injury, damages, loss of enjoyment, or even death and I take full and complete responsibility for my actions.
  13. I understand and agree that this is a complete RELEASE and DISCHARGE of all claims and rights I may have against the Releases associated with this Event and that no action will be taken by or on behalf of me with respect to any such rights.  I understand that this release shall be binding upon my heirs, executors, executors, successors, and assigns.
  14. I understand and acknowledge that participation in the Event is strictly personal and registration cannot be transferred. Participation in the Event will be deemed full agreement to each and every term of this waiver of liability and release.
  15. I am at least 18 years old, OR I am under the age of 18 and in addition to me my Parent/Guardian has reviewed this waiver and consented to its terms.


All Participants

Cash Prizes and IRS Reporting

If you or your team are awarded a cash prize as part of Adventure Hunt, and the total amount of the prize exceeds $600, you are required to complete and submit an IRS Form W-9 before claiming the prize. The information provided on the W-9 form will be used to report the prize to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as required by law.

Failure to complete and submit the W-9 form within the designated timeframe may result in the forfeiture of the cash prize. Adventure Hunt Events LLC is not responsible for any taxes, fees, or additional costs associated with the receipt of the prize. It is the sole responsibility of the prize winner to ensure compliance with all applicable tax laws and regulations.

By participating in Adventure Hunt, you acknowledge and agree to these terms regarding the cash prize and IRS reporting requirements.

Waiver & Release of all claims and assumption of risk

I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury to participants in Adventure Hunt, and I voluntarily and knowingly agree to assume the full risk of any and all injuries, damages or loss, regardless of severity, that I may sustain as a result of said participation. I further agree to waive and relinquish all claims I may have (or which may accrue to me) as a result of participating in these activities against the Released Parties including its owners, managers, officers and employees, the event officials, agents, volunteers, sponsors, and the owners and operators of the venue (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Administrators").

Participants registering for the event, programs/activities must recognize that there is an inherent risk of injury when choosing to participate in recreational activities/programs. I agree that I am solely responsible for determining if I am physically fit and/or skilled for the event or activities contemplated by this Assumption and Release. It is always advisable, especially if the participant is pregnant or disabled in any way or recently suffered an illness, injury or impairment, to consult a physician before undertaking any physical activity. I, for myself and my heirs, do hereby fully release and forever discharge the Administrators from any and all claims for injuries, including burns, death or incapacity, illnesses, damages, expenses or loss that I may suffer arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with the event, program or activities including injuries caused or associated with transportation to and from the event. I have read and fully understand the above important information, warning of risk, assumption of risk and waiver and release of all claims.

When registering online, my online registration shall substitute for and have the same legal effect as an original form signature.

I have read and fully understand the above important information, warning of risk, assumption of risk and waiver and release of all claims.

I understand, acknowledge and agree that if I am not at least 18 years of age, I am not permitted to participate in Adventure Hunt unless I have had my parent/legal guardian sign the below parent/guardian consent and waiver and send it via email to By not sending in a signed parent/legal guardian consent and waiver form, I am again confirming that I am over the age of 18.

Name ________________________ 

Date _________________________

Signature _____________________


Only complete below if you are a parent or legal guardian of a participant under the age of 18. Print this page, then sign and date below:

I, the parent or legal guardian of the above named participant, have read through this waiver and all its terms, and I hereby give my approval to this child's participation in Adventure Hunt™. I assume full responsibility for all risks and hazards incidental to my child's participation in Adventure Hunt™, and I hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify and agree to hold harmless the Administrators, as defined above, for any injury to my child and from any and all claims, causes of actions, obligations, lawsuits, charges, complaints, controversies, covenants, agreements, promises, damages, costs, expenses, responsibilities, of whatsoever kind, nature or description, whether, direct or indirect, in law or in equity, in contract or in tort, or otherwise, whether known or unknown, from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of or connected with my child's participation in Adventure Hunt™. I consent to the foregoing and grant permission for him/her to participate in Adventure Hunt™. I acknowledge I have carefully read, accepted and agreed to the terms on this Assumption and Release and Liability waiver, and know and understand their contents and I sign the same on my own free act and deed.

Name ________________________ 

Date _________________________

Signature _____________________


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